Friday, September 28, 2007

Get Out and Explore!

In my corner of the world the air is starting to get a slight crispness to it. For this this is lamented as the harbinger of a long cold winter. For me it is invigorating, a season full of wonder and excitement.

Fall is the season where the bugs and heat are gone; the chaos of the holiday season has not yet begun; the farmer's markets are overflowing with an abundant variety of fruits and vegetables and, as an added bonus, Mother Nature has transformed a once green landscape into a wonderful dance of reds, oranges and yellows! Fall is also, in my opinion, one of the best times to get out and explore your local community.

Unlike the summer where traditionally vacations afford the opportunity for travelling greater distances, in the fall, work and school tend to tether us closer to home. What better time then this to embark on a local treasure hunt!

Treasures you might want to look for include:

  • Fall Fairs: now is the peak time for the fall fair, an event that promises to amaze and amuse.
  • Farmer's Markets: they are brimming with fresh local produce, perfect for a homecooked feast.
  • Conservation Areas/Parks: take advantage of the cooler weather and go for a stroll. Don't forget the camera!
  • Scenic drives and small towns: get lost on back roads.
  • Museums and art galleries: become a local tourist, spend a rainy day on a cultural adventure.

The map for these treasures is just a few Google searches away!