Friday, July 27, 2007

A Brown Lawn and Proud of It

My grass is not as green as my neighbours and I think this is a good thing! Rather then spending time and water trying to keep my lawn green and lush, I let nature do what nature does. If there is a lot of rain, then the grass is green, if there is not much rain then the grass goes dormant and turns brown.

While apparently my brown lawn is not considered as ‘pretty’ as my neighbours green lawn, in addition to water conservation, there are a few other hidden benefits. For example:

  • I cannot remember the last time I had to cut my lawn
  • No water means no mud being tracked in on paws and shoes
  • Much easier to poop and scoop
  • Do not have to worry about the sprinkler that disappeared a few years ago
  • The ‘brown spots’ made by the dogs now blends in with the rest of the grass
  • Do not have to spend time positioning and setting the sprinkler to sprinkle the lawn not the driveway.
  • Weeds need water to grow as well, no water means less weeds!

In light of all these benefits, even if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, this is no necessarily a good thing!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Draft Proofing Provides Year Round Benefits

Somewhere along the line the benefit of preventing drafts in the summer seems to have been lost. However, having a draft free home is just as important in the summer as it is for the winter.

The only difference is between the winter and the summer is that in the summer you are trying to keep the cold in, whereas in the winter you are trying to keep the cold out.

Regardless of the season, draft proofing is probably one of the easier home renovations that will provide a benefit not only to your pocket book, but also to the comfort of your home. It is calculated that a properly draft proofed home results in energy savings of about 10%. As an added bonus, once the doors and windows have been properly sealed, the ongoing maintenance is minimal.

The basics of draft proofing are simple. Take a look at the seals around windows and doors. The goal is to block, through caulking, tape or some other method, this air flow. Once you have checked all the windows and doors, be sure to check the electrical outlets. These are probably the most frequently overlooked source of drafts.

There are several products available at your local hardware store that will match almost any need or skill level.

For more information and tips on how to properly draft proof your home, check out this booklet: Keeping the Heat In from Natural Resources Canada.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Stand Up and Take the Lead

I am a proud Canadian. There are many wonderful traits that many Canadians have including tolerance, open mindedness and a generosity of spirit. However, one trait that I wish we would grow out of is the perception that the government is there to take care of us, rather then to assist us.

I was reminded of this trait when I recently read an article complaining that government is not doing enough to promote environmental actions and programs. Rather then expecting the government to take the lead on environmental change, I would prefer to see individual Canadians lead by example, proving by action to business and government just how important an issue the environment is.

If we truly want business and government to pay more attention to the environment, then at the very least we must first be willing to suffer slight inconveniences such as: modifying our shopping to emphasis local produce; carrying our recyclable garbage until will find a bin and choosing not to patronize those companies that have a questionable environmental message.

If we are not willing to suffer even these minor changes and inconveniences, then why on earth would businesses suffer the potentially major expenses that might be associated with operating in a more sustainable fashion? Similarly if politicians that are fighting for environmental policies cannot count on your support, then why should they risk their career?

Rather then lamenting that businesses and governments are not leading the fight on environmental change, now is the time for each of us to stand up and show by action just how important it is.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Green Fad

Recently there have been a lot of grumblings in the world of deep greens that ‘being green’ is now a fashion statement rather then a sincere desire to do something good for the earth. As a result, more and more companies are jumping on the green band wagon after quickly applying a cloak of green washing.

I agree. “Being green” is now more fashionable then ever. Heaven forbid you are caught using an incandescent light bulb when a Compact Fluorescent one would do! I also expect that the sales of items such organic cotton clothing would sky rocket if they could find a way to fashionably put the label on the outside of the garment so everyone can see the green badge of honour.

I also agree that this market opportunity has resulted in a wave of green washing and people disingenuously embracing the green world. Too bad.

If a fashion statement results in the sale and usage of a truckload of CFL bulbs, I think that is great. If organic, local [insert green attribute here] items are purchased purely to ‘look green’, okay. Even though there is not much green sincerity at the root of these purchases, at least they were purchased and hopefully used, thereby making the green economy stronger for those who are sincerely green.

On the topic of green washing. Yup, that happens. However, for those who are sincerely green, they quickly see through it and are not fooled. For those that are “fashionably green” and might not bother to look beyond the green veneer, by next week they will be on to the next fad. Not the strongest market segment to build a business on.

So, the deep green folk have a point, not everyone on the green bandwagon is sincerely green. However, at least they are there!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Being Green is More Then Just Green

activities that somehow impact the natural environment. In contrast, I would argue that ‘being green’ has a much larger span, including taking actions to better society as a whole. Actions such as donating to a homeless shelter or speaking out about inequality is just as ‘green’ as planting a tree or conserving water.

By limiting ‘green’ to natural environment tends to discount or overlook a wide arena of actions and opportunities to make our world a better place for everyone. With the green movement having such momentum as it presently does, hopefully, those worthy individuals and organizations that are involved in improving society are reaping some of the benefits. Furthermore if you are looking for ways to lead a greener lifestyle, I encourage you to look beyond the traditional nature bound actions and lend a hand to someone in need.

True story: The other day as I was taking a lunchtime stroll I noticed a homeless man pausing under a tree. Although the sun was blazing, he was wearing a full length coat and seemed to have all his worldly possessions in a nearby buggy. On my way back from my stroll the man was still standing under same the tree. Shortly before I passed him another man, who based on his attire was quite well heeled, stopped to speak to the homeless person.

Based on the ensuing conversation, it appears the homeless person had been struggling to open a bottle of juice. Because of the actions of a stranger, who cared enough to stop and help by simply loosening the lid, it was possible for the homeless person to enjoy perhaps the only nutrition they would see that day.

That in my mind is about as ‘green’ as you can get!